5 Reasons Why You Need A GO:MIXER

The Roland GO:MIXER is an easy and, dare we say, fun way to record. It delivers the kind of crystal clear audio a smartphone can only dream of recording! With plug and play functionality, you can record multiple sources of high quality audio straight into your phone.

Let’s check out 5 ways you can use the GO:MIXER to add a dose of professional audio to your life.

Contributed by Jack Bowles for the Roland Australia Blog

Take your social media game to the next level!

In the age of instant information and smartphones, it’s never been easier to find and create great music. Because of this, however, it can be tough to stand out with the amount of content out there! Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and SoundCloud are just a few examples of platforms that are teeming with music covers, reviews and performances. You need to get a leg up on the competition in any way you can.

One way to go about this is to improve the production value of your content. While smartphone technology, especially camera quality, has come a long way in recent years… audio quality still suffers. Smartphone microphones are great for basic tasks such as voice and video calls, but fall flat when something more professional sounding is needed.

Recording a high-quality audio track usually requires complicated external gear and time-consuming editing. The GO:MIXER allows you to easily record professional quality audio straight into your smartphone, and its compact form factor makes it an ideal travel companion.

Let’s say you want to record a cover of a song you’ve been enjoying lately. Plug in a guitar (or other instrument) and a microphone into the inputs on the GO:MIXER and you’re ready to go! It’s that simple. Your smartphone will automatically detect the signal so you can get straight down to recording, and focus on the part of the performance that matters; your creativity.

Record a demo track on the fly

We’ve all had those fleeting moments of inspiration that we later wish we’d recorded. Maybe a random melody popped into your head, or some lyrics you’d been mulling over finally clicked. Whether you’re at a gig, lounging around at home, or even on public transport, inspiration can strike when you least expect. Using your smartphone is definitely an option, though, your success will largely depend on the environment you’re in. The resulting recordings may be noisy and definitely won’t be to a professional standard.

By keeping the GO:MIXER in your bag, you’ll have everything you need to get your best ideas down as they come to you! You can record straight into your smartphone’s voice recording app, or a more powerful mobile workstation such as GarageBand. Later when you want to revisit your idea, you’ll have some crisp recordings waiting for you!

The GO:MIXER also has you covered if you’re in a band! The best ideas as a group often come organically during a jam session, or when you’re out on the road. The GO:MIXER means you can easily record multiple instruments plus vocals simultaneously. Lay down a track for your demo or record a jam session to expand on later when you get back to the studio. It’s a big step up from a smartphone recording!

Sing along with your favourite tunes

Singing is a skill that takes years to develop, and involves a lot of time and dedication. That doesn’t mean it can’t be fun though!

The GO:MIXER has an onboard Center Cancel feature which reduces the volume of vocals in songs when activated. This works because most songs are mixed with the vocals in the center.

If you’re a budding vocalist, this is great as you can connect your music player and immediately start singing along to a song you’re learning or writing. Even if you don’t take your singing as seriously, this feature is a great way to jam along to your favourite tunes. It’s (almost) like having a personal karaoke machine!

By plugging in a mic you could also record your vocal performances to critique later, or debut your best attempt at ABBA to your friends.

Livestream your band with the GO:MIXER

Livestreaming has become a huge part of platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Youtube and Twitch. Now has never been a better time to start streaming! They’re especially awesome for bands and musicians as they’re an instant and personal way to connect with fans. Since streaming via a smartphone is the most common method used, audio usually suffers due to their noisy mono microphones.

As a budding musician, you can easily take the quality of your livestreams up a notch. Instead of recording with your smartphone, try plugging your band members’ instruments directly into the GO:MIXER. Add a mic plus another sound source from a music player and you’ve got everything you need to host a great sounding stream. With this portable setup, you can get really creative with the places you broadcast from, all while maintaining pristine audio!

Want to start a podcast?

The GO:MIXER is great for recording all manner of musical-related material. It’s important to note, however, that you can also use it for non-musical applications. Does the thought of starting your own podcast series pique your interest, for instance?

Even if you’ve never done any recording before it’s simple to connect a mic, headphones and get going straight away. You don’t need a fancy computer or a suite of gear to start your own series.

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Of course the portability of the GO:MIXER also makes it a breeze to bring with you in this scenario as well. In theory, you could record your show anywhere!

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Created by Roland V-Drums specialist Simon Ayton, these patches were designed using the internal factory sounds and many of the techniques covered in the TD-50 guide. Enjoy exploring the possibilities!