The Ultimate Guide to the TR-8S Rhythm Performer – Utilizing Analogue Outputs and Trigger Outputs

TR-8S Ultimate Guide

The Roland TR-8S can send any of its 11 Internal Instrument Tracks to any of its 8 Analogue Outputs. The 6 Assignable Outputs can also function as Trigger Outputs.

Triggers are short voltage pulses that are sent from the Trigger Outputs of one device to the Tigger Inputs of another. Trigger Inputs are used for a variety of functions, like playing synth or drum notes, or advancing a sequencer.

We advise that you power off all your devices before connecting the Trigger Outs to Trigger Ins.

Contributed by Alexander Marlowe for Roland Corporation Australia

Assigning Instruments as Trigger Outs

  1. Press the Utility Button to view the Utility screen.
  2. Hold Shift and turn the Value Knob to select ASSIGN OUT.
  3. Release Shift then turn the Value Knob to select the ASSIGN OUT Number of the first Assignable Output on which to send Triggers and press Enter.
  4. Turn the Value Knob to select TRIGGER and press Enter.
  5. Turn the Value Knob to select the ASSIGN OUT Number of each additional Assignable Output on which to send Triggers, press Enter and select TRIGGER.


You can create a Pattern of Triggers which will be sent to the Mini-Plug Trigger Output Jack on the rear panel of the TR-8S.
  1. Select the desired Pattern and Variation.
  2. Press the TR-REC Button.
  3. Hold the CC Button and press the RC Button.
  4. All Pads [1-16] light Red.
  5. Press the Pads [1-16] of Steps on which you don’t want a Trigger to be sent, to turn off those Steps.
  6. Press any of the Instrument Select Buttons to exit.
Article written by Alex Marlowe

Alex MarloweAlex Marlowe is a Composer/Producer, Musician and Consultant based in Melbourne, Australia. Alex has placed music in numerous movies and TV shows, and toured worldwide as a keyboardist with major artists. As a Teacher and Consultant, Alex has worked with platinum songwriters, music editors, producers and composers, and conducted courses in Music Production and Music Software, including at the Songwriting School of Los Angeles. You can find more info, and contact Alex at:

TR-8S Ultimate Guide

This Article is part of a series called The Ultimate Guide to the TR-8S Rhythm Performer, for the Guide’s Main Page click here.

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Created by Roland V-Drums specialist Simon Ayton, these patches were designed using the internal factory sounds and many of the techniques covered in the TD-50 guide. Enjoy exploring the possibilities!